Dear Vera,
Happy three months! We’ll never forget how precious it was meeting you for the very first time three months ago today. You were so tiny then, and we have loved watching you grow! You are getting to be more of an “arm-full” and soon I won’t be able to carry you with just one arm. You have the most beautiful blue eyes your Daddy and I have ever seen! They are so big and blue.
We love making you smile and giggle. You love it when we sing to you, especially when Daddy sings “Come Thou Fount” to keep you from crying. You like it when we bounce you and carry you around while we do things around the house. You love being smack-dab in the middle of everything we’re doing!
You love it when we read to you. You seem to enjoy looking at the pictures already. We hope you’ll love reading as much as we do!
You have lost your newborn cry, and you definitely look like a baby, not a newborn now. You still have almost all of your hair, except for a little bald patch in the back. (We think it’s pretty cute!)
We love playing games with you and cuddling with you. You are so beautiful and precious to us! Everyone who meets you tells us how pretty and sweet you are.
We love you and are so thankful for you!
Mommy & Daddy
Vera is perfectly precious! π I think it is very sweet to write these ‘letters’ to her. She will love looking back over them when she’s all grown up and on her own. π
Hope Vera and all who love her have a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving! π
This is an adorable pic! I just love that little foot – wherever did her sock go? Precious! Can’t wait to see her on Thursday! grammy
the coolest thing abt the photo besides her cuteness, is that missing sock! LOL! wait til she gets our boys age, u will find humor in keeping those socks matching π at least I do HAHA