One year ago today, my beloved and I were married! It has been an amazing year of love, commitment, and growth. We are more deeply in love today than we were a year ago! It is hard to believe that it’s been a year already. The Lord has blessed us in so many ways, the greatest being our sweet baby girl Vera (born 10 months and 2 days after we were married). God has also given us a beautiful house to live in and He has been so faithful to meet all of our needs. We are truly grateful!
I thought I would post our wedding vows today as a way of sharing part of our hearts with you.
I, Thaddaeus Paul Caldwell, covenant before God and man, to you, Aliesha Joy to be your loving husband, and to lead you, to protect you, and provide for you in the fear of the Lord. I vow to love you as my wife even as Christ also loved the church, to lay down my life for you; to wash you with the water of the Word; to love you as my own body and to nourish and cherish you even as the Lord does the church; to render unto you the affection due you, knowing that I do not have authority over my own body but you do; to dwell with you according to knowledge, giving honor unto you, as unto the weaker vessel, and living together with you as heirs together of the grace of life. You alone will be my delight as the wife of my youth. I will protect you, our sons, our daughters, and our household. May the Lord deal with me if anything but death parts you and me. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I pledge to you my life as your loyal and faithful husband.
I, Aliesha Joy, covenant before God and man, to you Thaddaeus Paul Caldwell to be your loyal wife and to submit myself under your headship. Just as the Church is subject to Christ, so I will be to you in everything. I will live first unto our God and then unto you, loving you, caring for you, obeying you, and ever seeking to please you as my earthly lord. I will be your helpmeet, and your keeper at home, diligently, industriously, and faithfully caring for the affairs of your household so that your heart may always safely trust in me. If the Lord chooses to so bless us, it will be my delight to be your fruitful bearer of children, and I will help you diligently teach them in the commandments of the Lord as we talk of them in our house, as we walk by the way, when we lie down, and when we rise up. May the Lord deal with me if anything but death parts you and me. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I pledge always to be your obedient and faithful wife.
Have a beautiful day!
All photographs captured by the wonderfully talented Andrea Wood.
wow a year already!!! THAT WENT FAST!! Just wait, the 1st year with Vera goes even faster… enjoy it!
Your wedding btw was sooo beautiful, one of my fav. to date!
Happy One Year Anniversary! Love you both so much and praise God with you for ALL HIS PROVISION for you three. What a blessing! mom
Can I just say…gorgeous! You were a stunning bride! Love the apron and hat ensemble! Congrats on your first year! Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, you cuties! ๐
Happy Anniversary! Love you veil BTW ๐
Happy Anniversary, yesterday, you two + one now. I still have fond memories of your wedding and so glad we were there. Can’t wait to see Vera. Are you coming to Mee Maw and Grandfather’s for Thanksgiving?? Hope so.