My sweet baby girl is a month old today!
Some milestones:
-great neck support (she is pretty good at holding her head up!)
-big eater (nursing 10-11 times a day)
-started smiling! (pictures coming tomorrow)
-sleeping longer at night (I dare not say how long…haha)
-responds to voices by turning her head
-makes eye contact and responds to our talking with cooing sounds
-very alert and aware of her surroundings
-loves to be held… definitely a big cuddler ๐
This rocking chair was used by my mom to photograph me and my brothers for our monthly pictures during our first year of life!
I can’t believe it’s already been a month! She’s so precious! Hope to see you guys soon <3
How fun to have a cuddly baby. Enjoy these days. She will grow up way too fast. Makes me long to see my grandkids. ๐