I’ve been reading a good book lately, and I wanted to share this excerpt that really resonated with me.
From Get More Done in Less Time by Donna Otto:
Do you know what really makes you tired? The things you don’t do, not the things you do!
Procrastination–worrying about the things you need to get done, putting them off because you dread them or because you would rather be doing something else–makes you tired, not work.
Your body feels tired, just from the strain of knowing there are so many things you should do that you never will get to.
Otto then recommends applying what she calls the “first and fast” rule to your daily tasks. Do the things you dislike or dread FIRST and get them over with quickly!
Revolutionary, right?
LOL Had to laugh at this post! Sounds pretty familiar! And this post MIGHT just be for me! Piles and piles of laundry I have been dreading and putting off for over a week now! 🙂 In my defense, we have had a cold!
Good advice! I learned after about a year of marriage that running a house goes so much smoother if I make lists and to the “dreaded things” first. I don’t always apply this perfectly, but when I do, I’m much happier, more productive, and have more energy.
So, SO true! Donna Otto is a very wise woman; I always benefit from her books.
Thanks for sharing this tip; I needed to be reminded of it!