Those of you who know me well know that I love big families! The Roanoke Times (my former hometown’s paper) just ran a wonderful article about one of my favorite large families! The Mitchells have been wonderful friends for many years, and their “babies” were flower girls in our wedding!
Go here to read the article and see more pictures of their beautiful family. Make sure you watch the video too!
I cannot think of ANY COOLER article than that!! Loved the video—most especially Cheyenne’s comments…and VISION!!
I was just thinking the other day about a blog I read at least weekly
( )..the family has 12 children (and is expecting one). They had their first five children in five years + 1 day. I am sure it was quite hard and physically draining for more than several years…BUT, now, they have these wonderful, talented, intelligent kids.
What better way to spend your time than raising great kids?!! Our world will be better because of these children and families.
Psalm 127:4,5, ” Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons *(and daughters)* born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.”
ohh fun! i remember them, those flower girls were so cute and so well behaved.
I love this. Your mention of them and the article is very inspirational. I am praying that I will be able to begin my family soon, and wish them the best of luck.