I recently finished reading Don’t Make Me Count to Three: A Mom’s Look at Heart-Oriented Discipline by Ginger Plowman. As I prepare to be a mom in just over three months, I really enjoyed reading this book on how to discipline your children in a godly way.
Instead of focusing on outward behavior, Plowman focuses on ways to reach the heart of the child and instruct him or her in the ways of the Lord. Instead of empty threats, she teaches appropriate consequences. Instead of yelling and screaming, she explains how to correct in love. Instead of lecturing, she teaches using actual verses from Scripture to reach your child’s heart.
This book is a great resource for a mom with ANY age children! It is filled with lots of real-life examples, as well as some helpful appendixes (how to lead a child to Christ, etc.).
You can purchase a copy here!
Has anyone else read this book? What are your thoughts?
I was not compensated in any way to write this review. My opinions are my own.
Thanks for letting me borrow this book! I’m looking forward to starting it tonight. I’ll let you know what I think.
Thanks for the review. I dont have kids but this sounds like a great book to pass on to my brother who has 4 kids. I am your new follower! 🙂
I havn’t read it but I have heard of it! I really want to read it..I have heard great reviews from a lot of people!! Thanks for sharing!
I’m reading this book right now! Love it! Thanks for the review!
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Sounds like a book I need to read…