I just found this great deal over at Money Saving Mom. Right now, you can get a magazine subscription for only $3.99! Some of the titles available include Taste of Home, Family Circle, Woman’s Day, Weight Watchers, and Family Fun. I just ordered some… here’s how you can too!
1) Go here and click on $4.69 magazine subscriptions. Pick out the magazine subscription(s) that you want and add to cart.
2) At checkout, use coupon code PXCJ328 to take an additional 15% off your total.
3) Your total per subscription now should be $3.99. (For a magazine that has 15 issues, that’s just under $.27 an issue!)
This deal, I believe, is also applicable on renewals (not just new subscriptions).
Enjoy! Leave a comment and let me know which magazines you ordered!
Amy says
Hi- found you via Trendy Treehouse! My mother-in-law gave me a subscription to Taste of Home- it’s a good recipe magazine!
Stacey says
I love Taste of Home too 🙂 But I’m guessing this offer is only available in the US, so I can’t order anything.