As I’ve mentioned a few times before here on the blog, we have chosen to keep our (older) children with us in the worship service. We know the children’s ministry at our church is great (and we SO appreciate the nursery!!), but we’ve made this choice for our family. Vera joined us when she was three, and Cordelia asked to come in too when she was just over two.
There are, of course, hard Sundays and challenges of keeping them in the worship service, but ultimately the blessings FAR outweigh any minor inconveniences.
Our girls really do absorb so much during the worship service. We know this because they talk about it and play “church” throughout the week.
One day I overheard Vera playing church with Cordelia (this must have been six months ago):
“Hi! I’m Scot. I’m one of the others (elders) here. Pastor Ben is going to come up and preach the Word… (change in voice) Hi! I’m Ben. I’m one of the pastors. I’m gonna pray and then we’ll jump into what God has for us.” (I kid you not… Pastor Ben says that exact phrase!)
I was in the next room trying to hear without her knowing I was listening. She then proceeded to lead singing (lead vocals and piano) while CC played the drums. It was so amusing, but so beautiful at the same time to see her repeating things she had observed on Sundays!
Vera can now repeat certain elements of “liturgy” that are part of our worship services. We don’t go to a liturgical church, but the order of the service is the same each week and many of the phrases that are used to explain giving, singing, and communion are the same each week.
The girls understand (somewhat) what communion is and what it represents. They understand that the money given in the offering plates is for “Jesus” (we’ll probably start explaining soon how that is used in the local church and in sending other churches).
They are learning good, beautiful songs that we sing as a congregation. I feel like my heart is going to explode sometimes when Vera is singing next to me at the top of her lungs, or when I hear Cordelia at home singing a hymn she learned at church!
I think sometimes we underestimate how much children are absorbing when they sit in church with us. In addition to the things above, they also see our response to worship, our note-taking, our reverence for God’s Word, our interaction with other believers, and so much more.
I’m thankful for this blessing of worshiping God with my children beside me!