Wanted to drop in with a brief baby update…
At my appointment today, we did a non-stress test and Baby Mango is doing great… her heart-rate is perfect and she is active. My blood pressure is fine. They also did an ultrasound and found that my amniotic fluid levels are unfortunately lower than they would like them to be.
Because of this (out of concern for the baby’s safety), the doctor scheduled me for an induction Thursday morning.
I really would appreciate your prayers that my labor would start naturally before then! If it does not, I would ask that you pray that I be at peace with letting go of my ideal birth experience. This is an opportunity for me to grow in my trust of the Lord! I am fighting against fear, so I appreciate your prayers for peace in my heart.
Thank you!
On my “to-do” list for the day:
-get a pedicure (some women swear this puts them in labor)
-eat a whole pineapple (ditto)
-walk, walk, walk!
-get last minute things together
-get a good night’s sleep!
I can just about feel your fear and devastation. I have been down a very similar road, and I came away with a much, much broader idea and understanding of the birth experience. I will definitely be praying your labor will start before Thursday morning, and I hope it will. However, I am more than sure that if it doesn’t, and you are induced, you will be a much richer mother for it, with lots of compassion and understanding for all the women whose birth experience, despite all their dreams and best efforts, has fallen short of their ideal–far short. I’m expecting our 4th baby, and both my pregnancies and my deliveries have, without fail, been just about the exact opposite of my hopes and dreams. My body does not handle pregnancy well, and my body does not do deliveries like it should, and I always end up needing medical interventions that I was raised to believe were “for wimps” or because “they just didn’t try hard enough”, etc. All that stuff is NOT TRUE! I know you will do fine, because God has known about your delivery all along and He is going to be with you every step of the way. (If you want any more details about my expectations vs. reality, I can share them, but I don’t want to bore you with unprofitable details.)
Praying for you. I had to be induced due to the same reason and while it was hard, I don’t regret it one bit. I would do it ten times if I could be guaranteed a healthy delivery.
I am praying for you!
Praying that no matter what happens, that you will have peace, and that mango will be strong and healthy!
Praying for you! I actually went into labor the day I got a pedicure, but then again I was 10 days late, and at my morning appointment my ob stripped my membranes. (I tried EVERY other old wives’ tale in the book and nothing worked!) She said that they generally don’t do that because most other doctors in her office feel it doesn’t work, but because I was scheduled to be induced the next day she figured she would try. SO, I don’t know if it was that or the pedi, but I’m praying for you that your darling baby will be here soon!
Praying so much for God to give you peace and a healthy and safe delivery no matter what happens!
I had that same problem with Liam and my amniotic fluid. I felt like I would need an epidural since I didn’t begin my labor naturally, but I still did a “natural” delivery without an epidural. You can still get through it without medication. You will do great!!!! π
Lydia was induced. She wasn’t moving as much as she had been. While I fought the same fears you are probably thinking… after she was born, I had peace that we had made the right decision!!
I also had Lydia without an epidural. While every labor is hard, I don’t remember Lydia’s being any harder!! And I had Carolyn π
Praying for you all and a safe delivery…. b/c that is so much more important than having the “idealized” labor and delivery!
My only suggestion is to have dinner with your in-laws and wait for your water to break during dessert! π Love ya!!
Great tip ang! Dinner at 6 tomorrow….somebody call Nate and get him home!!!!!
I’ve been praying for you and will continue to be praying for you! I want so much for it to be everything you envision! Can’t wait to hear about your beautiful little girl entering the world!