sorry… next to the chair was the best we could get today! |
Vera turned 10 months old today! We are loving the adorable little girl that she is becoming. Every day she seems less “baby” and more “toddler”!
Some milestones:
-eats three solid food meals a day (and a couple snacks)
-breastfeeds about five times a day
-sleeps 9pm-ish to 8:30am-ish
-takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap
-loves to greet people with waves (and sometimes says “hi” to Mommy or Daddy)
-chatters, squeals, jabbers, and babbles
-can stand on her own for several seconds
-“walks” around objects (like the coffee table) while holding on with one hand
-still only has two teeth
-loves “the eensy weensy spider”
-really is enjoying books (we signed her up for the summer reading program at the library!)
-has learned to pet the kitty gently (and is delighted when the kitty approaches her!)
-likes “talking” (listening) on the phone
-claps and bounces along when Mommy sings to her
-LOVES taking baths!! (remember, she used to hate them!)
-loves any chance to be in water (pool, etc.)
-enjoys stroller rides, swinging, and spending time outside
-prefers Mommy and Daddy to anyone else 🙂
-is getting very attached to her pink crocheted blanket
-weighs about 17.5 lbs.
Here is what her daily routine looks like:
-rise at 8:30 or 9:00
-eat breakfast
-story time
-morning nap 10:00 or 10:30
-eat lunch
-outdoors time (swinging, etc.)
-afternoon nap 2:00 or 2:30
-“help” Mommy in the kitchen making dinner and/or playtime with Daddy
-eat dinner
-often a bath is necessary
-sometimes we go on a walk as a family
-play time
-more stories
-nurse at 9:00
-in bed by 9:30
We are thankful for how she is growing, learning, and developing! We feel so blessed to be her parents.
P.S. In the first picture, Vera is wearing the dress I made her!
I love the dress you made!! So cute!! Your daughter is beautiful!
she’s so sweet and getting soo more “toddler-ish”… it’s kind of sad not seeing her every Wed. night in the nursery:)
Love these pics! She looks so ready for that first step! So darling!