I’ve been enjoying reading a book by Nancy Leigh DeMoss called Choosing Gratitude. It’s awesome! It’s definitely not a book you want to speed-read; it’s more of a “chew-on-it” kind of book.
Here are a few snippets that have stuck out to me lately:
“To put it even more simply: In every situation… prayer + thanksgiving = peace.”
“The grateful heart that springs forth in joy is not acquired in a moment; it is the fruit of a thousand choices. It is a godly habit and pattern that over time becomes a new muscle in our spiritual makeup. And though like every other sanctified character trait, it does nothing to make us more loved and accepted by God, gratitude does become a reliable measure for where our hearts are with Him.”
“Thankful people are refreshing, life-giving springs, while unthankful people pull others down with them into the stagnant pools of their selfish, demanding, unhappy ways.”
“A grateful heart will be revealed and expressed by thankful words, while an unthankful heart will manifest itself in murmuring and complaining.”
Psalm 34:1
That sounds like a great book! Very much the idea behind One Thousand Gifts, which I’m reading right now! Have you read it?
@StaceyHaven’t read that one yet, but I’ve heard good things!
Love this!!! And the quotes are soo great and convicting!! Oh how I desire to be someone who is refreshing to others and someone who radiates joy and contentment.
Stacey, I’m working through and “Chewing on” One Thousand Gifts. It’s soo great and challenging and thought provoking.
@Kelly @ In Everything
Oh I know! It definitely needs to be “chewed on” 🙂